Saturday 24th February 2018 10:00am

Starting from - Outside the entrance to Beverley Leisure Centre. HU17 0LT

  • 11 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 2 hr

Welcome to Britain’s biggest network of cyclists! Meet like-minded riders, create groups, and organise your own rides.

Starting point

HU17 0LT

Outside the entrance to Beverley Leisure Centre.

Today's ride will take us out of Beverley over the Westwood towards Bishop Burton. From here we head towards Walkington, where we will stop for coffee before returning to Beverley. This ride is mainly flat with a couple of hills.
These rides are suitable for beginners and those cyclists who haven't been out for a while. We cycle at the pace of the slowest rider.
Please come prepared with a helmet, suitable clothing for the weather, tools, a spare tube and money for the coffee stop.
All adults welcome.

Who else is on this ride?

4 ride participants


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