Friday 3rd March 2017 10:00am

Starting from - Golden Acre Car Park off Otley Road Leeds 16, LS16 8BQ

  • 9.5 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres)
  • 2 hr 15 mins
  • Steady
  • Leeds
  • Women only

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point

LS16 8BQ

Golden Acre Car Park off Otley Road Leeds 16

starts in Golden Acre Car Park off Otley Road, then turns right onto main road and just after hotel sharp left onto the Leeds Country Way bridle path, this leads alongside the hotel and Golden Acre park and meets up with Arthington Road. At this point cross the road and go up King Lane, just up the hill go left onto Eccup Lane, immediately right onto Eccup Moor Road, follow this road through the beautiful countryside until to come onto a road without vehicular access apart from Yorkshire Water vehicles, keep going along the road, passing the treatment works on your left, and over a couple of cattle grids. then sharp right and up hill to the reservoir. We will take 5 for a drink at the reservoir, then continue straight on up the hill to Harrogate Road. At the junction go straight across onto the pathway off road, but good surface. This path goes up hill and round the back of the Leeds Grammar school and onto Manor House Lane after a right bend. Continue along the road until you reach the end and turn right onto Wigton Lane. Keep straight on at the traffic lights onto Alwoodley Lane and again straight on until you reach the end of the road, junction with King Lane. Turn right here, travel down the hill to the T junction, turn right onto Arthington Lane and travel up the incline passing the rear Golden Acre car park. Keep going and then turn first left onto Kings Road. At the end of the road turn left at the roundabout onto Otley Road and Keep going, you will then come to the entrance to Golden Acre Park, with the original car park on your rightnear car, turn. into the park sign posted disabled parking and end at café. There are bike stands at this point. We will then enjoy a well deserved drink and maybe some cash etc...


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