Sunday 27th September 2015 10:00am

Starting from - Cafe on the Rye, Straker's Road, Peckham Rye Common, London (for ride details see ). SE15 3UA

  • 20 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 4 hr

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Starting point

SE15 3UA

Cafe on the Rye, Straker's Road, Peckham Rye Common, London (for ride details see ).

Join us at Cafe on the Rye, Peckham Rye Common, to cycle to High Elms Country Park and Downe. This is the route we will be taking: . We first cycle to Le Delice in Ladywell and then follow the Waterlink Way until we reach Beckenham Place Park. We can have coffee there. We then continue on to Bromley. After a few miles we then reach the quaint Farnborough Village, where we look out for a country path that takes us to High Elms Country Park. Unfortunately there are no Elms there now, but there are plenty of Beech trees. We stop off at the straw bale green-roofed cafe for some refreshment. We then continue on to Downe and do a detour so that we can cycle past Charles Darwin's house. Be warned: the reason the town is called Downe is because all roads out of it go down - so be prepared for some climbing. But the upside is that the last stretch of the ride is downhill, as we descend to reach Hayes, where we will take a train back to London. For easy-to-navigate hyperlinks and a picture see ).

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