Saturday 30th November 2019 10:00am

Starting from - Braunstone Leisure Centre, LE3 1JN

  • 4.4 miles
  • None
  • 1 hr 10 mins

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Led by experienced ride leaders, these rides are a great way to explore new places and to meet new people who enjoy cycling. They are suitable for all levels of experience, so whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist, you can find a ride that is right for you.

Starting point

Outside main entrance to Braunstone Leisure Centre
2 Hamelin Road

Braunstone Leisure Centre

This traffic-free family-friendly five mile ride shows off the delights of two of Leicester's many fine parks. Discover the delights of Braunstone Park, with its two lakes, children's playgrounds, walled garden and Grade II listed Georgian mansion house. If you're lucky, you might see Braunstone Flyers Model Aircraft Club's miniature aerobatic displays. The route then leads you into the adjacent Western Park, once part of the ancient Leicester Forest, a former hunting ground for the Earls of Leicester. This beautiful park also features the 'Eco House' - an environmentally-sustainable showhome featuring the latest green technology. What better way to visit it than by bike?

Route rating

5 stars (4) Reviews

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