Tuesday 7th August 2018 6:30pm

Starting from - Whitely lane S10 4GL by the entrance to the park behind Forge Dam, on the other side of the road from Fulwood Old Chapel. Parking along the road here. S10 4GL

  • 6.3 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 1 hr 30 mins
  • Steady
  • Sheffield
  • Adults 16+ only
  • Women only

Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.

Starting point

South Yorkshire
S10 4GL

Make it up Mayfield Ride Series

Come and join us for these evening rides aimed at women who want to get back into cycling. This ride starts with a fair old hill, but there is a pavement on the right side going up, so you can walk it when you need to. I am aiming these rides at women who will start this ride series walking the majority of this hill, and hopefully end the series riding the majority of it. We will regroup at along the way and at the top and not leave anyone behind. Wonderful views of the Mayfield Valley greet us when we reach the top and the route then levels off and we enjoy a flattish circuit route with stunning views all around us, on quiet roads. One final short sharp hill and a downhill run back to our start point where those who wish to, can follow us to the Rising Sun Pub on Fulwood Road for post ride drink - Bring Lights if you're staying for this drink please.

The aim of this ride is to show you how near to Sheffield the countryside really is by bike and use those views as motivation to keep cycling! This ride is suited to those who perhaps haven’t ridden much in a while, might have a heavier, older bike (working order only) and want to regain fitness and confidence on a bike. We will therefore be taking our time over the first hill and waiting for those taking breaks or walking up.

Please bring a roadworthy bike, a helmet is recommended but not essential, basic tools and spare inner tubes, snacks, a lock and some money if you’d like to join us at the Rising Sun pub after the ride.

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