Friday 25th August 2023 4:00pm

Starting from - OLD PENSHAW VILLAGE, DH4 7ER

This PENSHAW PELOTON ride is open for anyone to join

  • 25 miles
  • Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 3 hr 30 mins
Check the weather! Make sure you've brought the right clothing, equipment and provisions so you have an enjoyable experience. Thanks!

Organized by groups in the community, these rides are a great way to meet new people, explore your local area and to have fun riding your bike. You can find rides that are suitable for your level of experience and interests whilst enjoying being part of a social cycling community.

Starting point


ELBA PK 1610
Penshaw-Elba Pk- Chester-le-Street - Arniston Centre- Durham - Belmont - Leamside - Fence Houses - Burnmoor - Shiney Row - Penshaw

PENSHAW 1600 ELBA PK 1610 THE ELEPHANT 1640 Penshaw-Elba Pk- Chester-le-Street - Arniston Centre- Durham - Belmont - Leamside - Fence Houses - Burnmoor - Shiney Row - Penshaw

Calling at Burnmoor Cricket Club for a pint. About 25 miles about 50% roads and 50% tracks with no big hills. Averaging about 12mph. As always, weather permitting

Burnmoor Cricket Club

Helmets, inner tubes etc - don't want to state the bleedin obvious! Each rider is responsible for their own actions and liability

First-timers welcome!

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1 ride participant


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