Tuesday 1st December 2015 10:00am

Starting from - Find Andrew near the Blue, Black and White Merida at the Cycle Hub, Ouseburn. NE6 1BU

  • 28 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 3 hr 30 mins

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Starting point


Find Andrew near the Blue, Black and White Merida at the Cycle Hub, Ouseburn.

A trip along the Tyne to Prudhoe and back again. Heading out from the Cycle hub along the North bank of the Tyne to Wylam, over the old rail bridge and on to Prudhoe. After a short stop for a cuppa and sarnie its over the bridge and take quiet road back to Wylam. Then its left past the station and the possibly muddy keelmans track to Gateshead. Due to the Café only being open at weekends there is the option to stop at The Staiths Café just before we get back to the Hub. This is a fairly level ride along the Tyne and while its 28 miles in length its not as challenging as you would expect. A nice starter ride for this distance. This ride will go ahead whatever the weather so be prepared to get wet.

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