Saturday 11th June 2016 1:00pm

Starting from - Waberthwaite school car park. On the right hand side, onthe bad bend on the A595 just before the Brown Cow pub as one heads towards Millom on the A595. LA19 5YJ

  • 13 miles
  • Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
  • 3 hr

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Starting point

LA19 5YJ

Waberthwaite school car park. On the right hand side, onthe bad bend on the A595 just before the Brown Cow pub as one heads towards Millom on the A595.

Drop down to the bank of the Esk, then along the coast to Bootle beach before heading into Bootle for a cafe stop at the Byre. Returning along the same route. The route is all on Tarmac, and on a quiet road with only 200 yards riding on the A595 to get to the Byre. Most of the route is very flat indeed, but there are hills at either end. As usual, a few of us might take the opportunity to get off and walk the steeper bits, rather than go into the red by continuing pedalling. This is a ride that will be fine for most anyone. We will not be going at any great speed, and we never leave anyone behind. This is not a ride for those who like to "kick on". NB, I have checked a set of tide time tables, so we should be fine getting under the viaduct at the side of the Esk.

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