118 metres climb
Risk assessed route
Distance - 6.4 miles
Bike suitability - Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres)
Route rating
4 stars
(3 reviews)
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Starting point

Brampton Community Centre, Irthing Centre

Brampton Community Centre

This route follows the old railway "The Dandy", a gravel track route out of Brampton before joining the country lanes leading to Talkin Tarn Country Park. At Talkin Tarn you'll have time to feed the ducks, enjoy a café stop or just take in the stunning views of the area before returning to the lovely market town of Brampton.

*Please note due to the use of gravel tracks and varience in terrain we do not recommend the use of a road bike.

**Please also note that although it appears on the map that this ride completes a circuit of Talkin Tarn, this is no longer possible due to cycling restrictions at Talkin Tarn. The route will visit Talkin Tarn to allow for a cafe stop there but will not circle the Tarn.