249 metres climb
Risk assessed route
Distance - 10.4 miles
Bike suitability - Mountain Bike, Hybrid (off road tyres), Hybrid (road tyres), Road
Route rating
3 stars
(2 reviews)
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Starting point

Talkin Tarn Country Park Car Park

Talkin Tarn Country Park, Tarn Road, Brampton, Cumbria, CA8 1HN

This picturesque route over just over 10 miles incorporates everything from Talkin Tarn to rolling countryside, woods and quiet country lanes. You start off at Talkin Tarn and head left through the quaint village of Castle Carrock. Venturing out West you meander down the country roads around and through Cowran Woods, Tootop Woods and Peggy's Wood then under the Low Gelt Bridge Viaduct where you can stop for refreshments if needed. From there you ascend upwards through Talkin and to the summit of the route where stunning views of landscape, especially the magnificent Talkin Tarn, can be seen. The climb finishes as you ride through Farlam then head back around and descend down past the railway station and back into Talkin Tarn. The route can cease there or continue around Talkin Tarn itself encompassing the beautiful serenity.