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Wednesday 22nd January 2025 10:15am
Starting from - We will meet by the green on Ashley Gardens. There is plenty of on street parking. AL5 3EY
This Graceful Greens & Mellow Yellows - Harpenden & St Albans ride is open for anyone to join
Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.
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A straightforward ride along mainly country lanes.
Mainly on residential roads and country lanes with a short section of busier roads
We will stop just over half way round at the gorgeous Brew House in Wheathampstead.
Please make sure that your bike is in roadworthy condition and that you have a spare inner tube and the means to deal with a puncture, (or the phone number of someone who can pick you up if that happens). We will not abandon you, but can give only limited assistance. It will be cold, so wrap up well. Helmets are compulsory. Other than that just bring your enthusiasm and we will do the rest! Check emails for updates nearer the time as if the conditions are foggy or icy and unsafe we will have to cancel.
First-timers welcome!
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