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Wednesday 26th June 2024 9:45am
Starting from - PO14 2LD
Stubbington green at the Wooden war Memorial.
Free parking in the Community center, Stubbington lane or on local roads such as Burnt house lane or Eric road.
If parking at the Community center walk your bike passed the library and the tennis courts.
Toilet facilities opposite Costa. PO14 2LD
Free, women-only bike rides led by experienced Breeze Champions. They are a great way to get started in cycling or to improve your skills, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist.
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Starting point
PO14 2LD
Quiet roads, cycle paths/lane some of which are gravel, NCR 2, B roads which can be slightly busy.
We will stop for coffee in Warsash or Hook.
Please ensure that your bike is in good working order, tyres fully inflated and brakes working. Please wear a helmet. Please bring a lock and money/card for the coffee stop
We especially welcome newbies!
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